How Effective is a Baton for Self Defense?

Self defense is to survive against the attackers, wild animals and survive in severe circumstances. So, the ultimate aim is to ensure your survival, no matter what tactics you may adopt.

Choosing a Tactical Knife for Survival, Emergency, or Self Defense

f you’re in the market for a knife that will serve you in any situation, it’s not a subject to be taken lightly.

Guide to Throwing Knives for Beginners

f you are someone who has found interest in learning all set of skills or even if you are not.

Why knife for self defence?

 was recently asked why I’m so quick to recommend a knife, not a gun, as a primary personal protection tool.

Self Defence: how to use a taser or stun gun

Truthfully, everyone should have some knowledge of self-defense. Ideally, we will never have to employ…..

Throwing Knives For Beginners – An Inclusive Guide

Have you ever imagined getting attacked by assailants? If any such situation occurs the best thing to do is stabbing your foes

Why the End Cap Matters | The Forgotten Bat Element

We have yet to hear anyone claim they purchased such a bat because they love the end cap. It’s the least good part of any bat. While the end cap gets put in the crapper, things like barrel size,…

How to choose a head torch?

If you’re going camping it’s obviously vital for your night out, but a head torch should also be taken on day walks. It’s not uncommon to underestimate a walk length,

Speak softly and carry a stun gun

It was just another day for Rasti Ahmed when she got into her car to drive herself home after having lunch at Cafe Aylanto in Zamzama, Karachi…..

Enter The World Of Automatic Knives. All You Need To Know

It’s not often that man, steel, engineering and craft intersect. But when they do, it’s something to marvel at. While men have long carved shanks and sabers

Butterfly knife for self-defence and tricks

Butterfly knives or balisong knives are among the most interesting and multiple functioning knives among all. First invented during the 18th century in the French era,

Why the End Cap Matters | The Forgotten Bat Element

We have yet to hear anyone claim they purchased such a bat because they love the end cap. It’s the least good part of any bat. While the end cap gets put in the crapper, things like barrel size,…

Automatic Tactical Knife Buying Guide

Welcome to the comprehensive automatic tactical knife buying guide. This guide will walk through the most important features of automatic knives. There are several automatic knives available on the market 

Best Butterfly Knives With Intriguing Designs

Attractive butterfly knives are the crown jewels of many collections. The nimble joints and variations in blades are alluring in their own right. 

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